Free Range Turkey Breast Roll


If you prefer only the breast, or are feeding fewer people our boneless breast rolls are a perfect combination of convenience and superior flavour.
We also like to make things that little easier for our customers, so we provide an option for your breast roll to arrive ready either stuffed with sage and onion stuffing or wrapped in smoked streaky bacon, or for even more added flavour you can add both!

All breast rolls come boxed, with a recipe leaflet & pop-up timer.

Serving Guide

Small – 1.5kg – 2.okg           Feeds 4-6 people
Medium – 3.0kg – 3.5kg       Feeds 8-10 people
Large – 5.0kg – 5.5kg       Feeds 14 -16 people

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

Cooking Guide

  • Remove all packaging as soon as possible after collecting your turkey and store in a cool place, preferably at the bottom of your fridge.
  • Remove from the fridge 2 hours before. If you have chosen a plain breast roll, you can spread butter over the roll and season.
  • To avoid disappointment do not overcook your turkey. This can be avoided by either using a ‘pop up’ timer or meat thermometer – you are looking to achieve a temperature of around 68 degrees.
  • Failing that test with a fork on the inside of the breast when the juices run clear the bird is ready.
  • Roast at 180º (160º fan).




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